The ponderings of Miss McT

A collection of my ramblings...

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Never Mind the Buzzcocks

All hail Simon Amstell and Bill Bailey for last night's christmas special - awesome! Many many laugh out loud moments.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Fancy a bit of torture and brutality for Christmas...

At Christmas I always watch a lot of films and between us in our house we got a fair few DVDs. I would like to think I have quite broad taste when it comes to films. I'll sit and watch most things and be able to appreciate something about them.

However when my sister suggested we watch Hostel, it was a straight up NO! I've heard quite a bit about Hostel and people's eyes tend to light up when they're talking about it, like they get some kind of pleasure from watching, I quote, "a dark, bloody exploration of torture and evil". This scares me somewhat - surely it is wrong to 'enjoy' watching this? What does this say about the people who enjoy watching it? It disturbs me!

These are the comments on the DVD cover:
"Graphic and deeply disturbing, Hostel is one of the most brutal films ever made!"
"The goriest, sickest, bloodiest movie you'll ever see"
"A disgusting film...but in a good way"
"You'll laugh, you'll scream, you might even puke"

Errrrm well done Mr Tarantino, pat on the back...

Though I haven't seen the film in it's entirety (the 2 minutes I did see - a young man tied to a chair and gagged, facing a chainsaw, practically choking on his own vomit - made me feel sick) I can't see that there is any hidden meaning or overarching message. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I think I'll stick to whatever else is on offer on TV this Christmas thanks.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Sharing my stupidity!

2 snippets in 2 days - what can I say?! It's Christmas...

Stupid snippet numero uno:

Whilst discussing chickens, eggs and periods (as you do...) "I think I'd rather lay an egg"...I then pondered it some more, considered the ratio of egg size to chicken size, and the implications of egg size to me size, and swiftly changed my mind!

Stupid snippet numero dos:
Whilst setting up a MySpace account (check me with my blog *and* MySpace) I got very confused (easily done) when I immediately had a 'friend' called Tom. Cue me shouting for little brother. Cue little brother shaking his head and sighing "Tom created MySpace you idiot" How was I supposed to know?!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas everyone!

Have a good one and a fantastic 2007. Big love to all! MWAAH! XxXxX

Favourite Christmas songs this year:
Mariah Carey "All I want for Christmas"
The Pretenders "2000 miles"

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sing your heart out...

Today I went through to the Sage in Gateshead to see the London Adventist Chorale. How civilised ;0) I'm not at all religious and all the songs were (obviously!) but it was absolutely amazing. There were 17 singers and the arrangements were just fantastic - made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. They were so passionate and truly were singing from the heart, with breathtaking results. I'm in awe!

The actual building itself is as impressive from the inside as it is from the outside. During the interval we stood and looked out onto the quayside - the sun was setting and it looked spectacular. It's pretty impressive how the quayside has been transformed in recent years. It really is stunning. Yay for the toon! Oh to have had a camera...

The train journeys either side weren't too hot - when I say the train was crammed I mean literally crammed! It was like being on the tube in London - this is one of the many reasons I wouldn't want to live in London. Can't say I'd fancy having armpits in my face everyday on the way to work!

Hmm so I still haven't finished my Christmas shopping - usually I'm so well organised but this year Christmas seems to have crept up without me even knowing. I'm so so so so glad this term is over - the last few weeks have been an almighty struggle.Now it's time to kick back and relax and enjoy my lovely family :0)

Thursday, December 21, 2006


...that is what I want to do!


Me: "My bum really hurts from last night"

Jo: looks horrified.

Me: "What?!"

(The real reason my bum hurt is not very exciting or even vaguely interesting*)

I can't stop saying "awesome" and I'm even annoying myself!

*being all supportive of my place of work I went to the carol concert - thought it'd be nice and festive, and it was BUT it went on for 3 HOURS!!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My horoscope for 2007...

My friend Mr Matthew Smith is an absolute legend. Despite being half way round the world and 'living up' his gap year, he still finds the time to keep in touch with us lot back in England on a regular basis. He sent me a postcard from India - I get excited about these things - like the fact that postcard travelled all that way and landed on my door mat in little Darlington! This morning I began my day with a festive e-mail from Matt in his usual chirpy entertaining manner and it's made my day. Muchos gracias Matt Smith!

He even sent me my horoscope for 2007. I'm not really into astrology but it sounds nice! Here goes:

"Value is discovered at the end of a road. Someone appreciates your smile more than you realise. Good cheer and perserverance will lead you to your pot of gold."

Awww :0)

Monday, December 18, 2006

Roll on friday...

I really can't wait. I'm exhausted! That might sound a bit melodramatic but I really do feel drained. A lot of people would consider my job a bit namby pamby but it's pretty intense at times, thoroughly brilliant, but pretty heavy going. At the moment I just want to hiberbate! Was so very comfy in bed this morning - snug and cosy, mmmmmm!

Even just having the Christmas tree up makes me feel happy. It's so pretty. Can't wait to spend time just chilling with mi familia. My long lost brother Ian is coming up with his lovely girlfriend Becky too - must be about 9 years since we spent a Chrsitmas with him. Will be lovely. And the bestest Christmas film ever is on on Saturday - The Muppet Christmas Carol. Awesome!

Indiscriminate pullage...

I just don't get it.

I went out in Newcastle at the weekend and we ended up in Blue Bamboo. As soon as you walk in the door you get groped! It's like "you're female, you'll do". No hello, no smile, no 'checking out', no attempt at chatting up, just an expectation that you want to exchange saliva with some total randomer just for the hell of it, whether you find them attractive or not.

I just don't get it.

I don't have an issue with people having their fun. I'm not a prude. If you find one another attractive and know where you stand/what you want/expect and both want/expect the same thing, brilliant. But I don't understand the point of indiscriminate pullage. It's not like it's a self-esteem boost because it's so random that being 'selected' says absolutely nothing about how attractive you are. No/minimal words are exchanged so it has nothing to do with your sparkling personality! If there's no level of physical attraction there then you don't get that buzz, so really what is the point.

I just don't get it (have I said that already?!)

Friday, December 15, 2006

How come...

all week I've been wanting to go to bed by about 8pm but not been able to because I've had stuff to do/been out...and tonight when I'm in and able to go to bed whenever I want, I feel totally alert at 11pm...bizarre. But that's me all over!

Geek central...

My work friends bought me a lovely orchid plant for passing my driving test. Ain't that nice. I'm struggling to get through this last couple of weeks at work. This morning I reset my alarm then when I did get up I realised I had to wash my hair = effort *groan* Sat with a cuppa in front of some Christmas songs on the Magic music channel (in an attempt to find some 'get up and go'!) but still didnt manage to leave the house til 30 minutes later than normal. The orchid plant was a lovely surprise, awwww :0) What concerns me is that I've been taking photos of of said orchid plant on a friday night - I'm such a geek. But it is a very pretty plant...

Oooooh I have another recommendation (I'm just so sharing...;0) Costa Coffee are doing mint hot chocolate over the festive period and it's damn fine! Yesterday I went to our bi-termly Mentor Network Meeting - they're usually pretty dull *but* you get cake. I was *really* looking forward to my cake and then when we go tthere they had decided on a 'healthy' menu instead. No cake. Fruit. Gutted! Emma D saved the day and took me to Costa Coffee where we had beautiful chocolate muffins - big chunks of chocolate on top, moist crumbly sponge and gooey bits inside. Mmmmmmmm!

Oh yeah...apparently there is a green Nissan Micra for sale just round the corner...

The geekiness continues on the music front - I was listening to Darren Hayes tonight. Ah the memories!

As not to destroy any hope you mayhave regarding my musical taste, I did then listen to Missy Higgins so that surely allows me to recupe some sense of taste...

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


I've finished my marking! I shall speak of it no more and stop boring everyone with the mundane details ;0P

Monday, December 11, 2006

Out with the green, in with the pink...

I passed my driving test this morning. Only just. But a pass nonetheless. Yay yay yay!

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Let it glow...

Last night I walked the Glow trail - a part of the NewcastleGateshead international festival of light (that was a mouthful!) The first electric lightbulb was invented in Newcastle so I guess it was a good choice of setting. Basically more than 60 buildings/landmarks were lit up in the festival colour of magenta and there were various light and sound installations by renowned international and regional artists. Newcastle looks fantastic lit up at night anyway, it's a stunning city, but it looked extra cool with all the colours and bizarre artworks. And, despite it being a saturday night, we were barely heckled at all. Woop woop.

My favourites...hmmm...there was a 'breathing building', a fabulous kaleidoscope of images from across the local area which ran to a funky sondtrack and an awesome short film involving children and extreme weather! Dammit I wish I could describe them properly but I think it'll take too many words (and I'm not concise at the best of times!) so you'll just have to take my word for it (though I'll probably ramble on a bout it if/when I do see you ;0)

I took a few photos which I'll put up on Ringo. I *wish* I had an amazing camera (and some skill!) so I could have taken better ones. As it stands they're all pretty blurred but actually look pretty cool because of all the colours, so all is not lost. I've worked out how to take failry ok-ish photos in the dark *but* it requires a steady hand and, well, it was a bit chilly!

Stayed over at my friend Jo's and she made me breakfast in bed! She came in with a tray - there was a pretty little bowl with sliced apple, red grapes and apple crumble all beautifully arranged and smothered with yoghurt, and fruit juice. It was soooo nice :0) Then headed to lovely Durham and went to the Trevs' Christmas concert so I'm feeling suitable festive. Breakfast in bed, ahhhhh!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

I'm pondering... the beautiful live. I think I may struggle to explain this one!

Recently a *very pretty* young lady joined our wee group at work and it's been fascinating to watch how the group dynamics have changed and in particular, how the lads have changed. (Chris I know what you'll say in response to all this - genetic programming, men are fundamentally flawed/shallow - etc etc) but I honestly am finding it quite bemusing. The changes are what you would expect - said young lady gets *alot* of attention and all attention turns to her whenever she is around. In fact alot of conversations come back to her when she's not there aswell (one of these conversations was the one where I was described as the 'safe option' and said young lady was described as 'almost too attractive for girlfriend material' - I don't get that - 'too attractive for girlifriend material' EH?!) There have been many discussions about who would be 'suitable' for her, who is 'cool' enough, what she'd 'go for' etc etc. Even those who are already attached are flirting outrageously. Beauty is a powerful thing! So many judgements and presumptions!

What I've been pondering is...what's it like to be so attractive that you get all this attention? I mean obviously it has its good points - everyone likes to be complimented, it makes you get that nice warm feeling, and she's been welcomed very warmly! But at the same time I wonder...would you question people's motives for talking to you more? Would you feel the pressure to always look amazing? Would you feel that people didn't see 'you' beyond your attractiveness? Would you even care if they didn't?! I guess it would depend on how much you thought about things...hmmm yes! See I don't think I'd like it but I'm thinking about it from the frame of reference of an average Joe and that's bound to change my thinking...hmmm...hence the pondering!

Another thing I've noticed...I don't think we ('the girls') have been any different than we would have been with any new addition to our wee group but things are much more awkward when we engage in conversations with her. Maybe because girlies are renowned for their bitchiness (sad but seemingly pretty accurate!) she feels that we will take an instant dislike to her and feel threatened?! I don't know. Maybe she's conscious of it on some level? Maybe she's just not a girl's girl - lots of women just get on better with blokes. Or maybe we're being just as bad as the lads in making presumptions...

Yeah so that's what I've been pondering during our interactions as a group. Aren't group dynamics an intriguing thing!

Right now I'm listening to Kate Aumonier 'Morning after girl' - a catchy tune and agreeable lyrics! ;0)

Quote of the day!

It requires less character to disocver the faults of others than it does to tolerate them.

J. Petit Senn

Oh how I wish...

...I was at home snuggled up and wrapped in my duvet. That would be sooooooooooooo very nice right now.

I'm struggling today...was at work at 8am yesterday and didn't get in til 10pm. Granted I was at Crimbo Bingo (yes it was as cheesey as it sounds!) but still...I did marking from 5 til 7. I guess it was nice to hear some festive tunes though - all the classics! AND an extra bonus - I counted how many essays I have left to mark and there aren't 300 in total afterall, YAY YAY YAY!

I better write my reports...I have many to write...I've been putting it off for days...

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

A simple task foiled by my lame ass body...

I just went to give blood for the ninth time in my lifetime and fainted for the second time in my lifetime. At least this time I was next to the bed...I cringe nonetheless. I am a narna.

Monday, December 04, 2006

A dilemma...

Hmm I'm having a mini battle in my head. Do I send out Christmas cards or do I not? I'm torn.

On the one hand I love Christmas and all the traditions it entails. I love sending cards so people know I'm thinking about them no matter where they are or how long it is since I've seen them; I love shopping for presents and that buzz you get when you find something you know that person will love; I love wrapping the presents up all pretty; I love giving presents to the people I love and seeing their faces when they unwrap them; I love eating pretty much an entire box of after eights after my Christmas dinner (don't know how that tradition came about - pig!) etc etc.

on the other hand I'm becoming ever more aware of how wasteful we are. We're bad enough most of the year but at Christmas we're most excessively wasteful. Approximately 3 million tonnes of household rubbish will be generated by households in Britain this Christmas, including 83 square kilometres of wrapping paper, 150 million Christmas cards and an extra 75 million bottles and glass containers (not forgetting the additional 15 tonnes of waste created through manufacturing the goods and extracting the raw materials) It's pretty shocking really. And yeah 60% of it can be recycled but is that really the point? Will people bother to recycle what can be recycled? The local authorities only accept some of the many items that can be recycled. And even that which is recycled requires more energy for the recycling process! Where does it all end...waste, waste and more waste!

So do I make a stand (only a little one but it's better than nothing) or do I carry on regardless and let my sentimentality win out. It's a toughie. And am I being a bit hypocritical just leaving out the cards when I've no intention of missing out the wrapping...or is it better to at least take one small step even though it's clearly by no measure enough...

These are th ekinds of things that occupy your mind when you're marking 300 Psychology essays...did you know I am marking 300 Psychology essays...I feel it defines me at present! How dull - I am much more than an essay marker I promise...!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Too much temptation...must resist...

Every other advert on TV seems to be for an album I would like. The TV is taunting me. Stop. Please. I must stop spending!

Essay count update

183 - getting there... :0)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Recommendation number 2 of the day...

If you haven't already, watch Transamerica. It is an absolutely fantastic film - I'm most impressed. It's beautifully done. It's a little bit of everything all rolled into one (Thanks Meredith Brooks...!) I can't quite put it into words and I don't want to give anything away for those of you who haven't seen it but I heartily recommend it. It's funny, thought provoking, at times a little shocking, warm, sad, moving...fantastic. It has a bit of a 'Sideways' feel to it in how it's been filmed. Mum just thought it was slow but I think she just doesn't get things like that! Felicit Huffman definitely deserves all the accolades she received for this film. Go forth and enjoy!

I've not mentoined music for a while but that's because I'm playing all sorts at the moment (and no Mike, it's not all bland :0P there)

Sharing is good... I share with you a bar recommendation - Tokyo's in Newcastle - is veeeerrrrrrrrry nice. Small and cosy. It's like being on a set for Phantom of the Opera! (I think so anyway) Lovely wooden staircase with patterned wrought iron rails and tealights on every stair (very pretty - I get excited by small things) then when you get upstairs you go into the bar and there's a bit outside but it doesn't feel like you're outside because of the adjacent buildings. It's like a small open top 'cavern' tucked between the buildings. There are heat lamps to keep you warm and it's that really nice kind of heat - like a 'real' fire - a comforting kind of warmth. There's a good buzz of conversation but you can actually hear each other (which is obviously good, and unusual in the bars of Newcastle!) And it's even better when you have good company too :0)