The ponderings of Miss McT

A collection of my ramblings...

Monday, February 12, 2007

I'm a 'new' blogger now...

I managed it eventually. I was really annoyed on saturday when I had stuff to write and then I couldn't get into my blogger account, basically cos I'm a total girl when it comes to computers. I'm willing to admit it. I do try but I just turn all girly whenever anything goes wrong. One day at work last week, my computer went all 'funny'. I swear I didn't do anything. I literally turned my back for a minute to file something, turned back round and the font had gone all 'big' and the colours were funny. So off I marched to the boys in the atrium to save the day. It's like something comes over me where IT is concerned. I did the whole 'bashful girl with no clue' routine *cringe*

Anyhoo, I had lots of stuff to rant about and now I've forgotten what the things were. Clearly you'll be gutted that my nonsensical incessant rambling is now going to be shorter today ;0)

I've been at Hotel Bannatyne today doing some training on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy. It was pretty much a refresher of stuff I did in my degree but it was nice to get out for the day nonetheless. I ridiculously got excited when I noticed Duncan Banatyne outside our suite being filmed. I do tend to get overexcited when I see someone famous. I don't even really know anything about him and from what I do know, he sounds like a bit of an arse really. Still got excited though. I'm strange. I know that. I've accepted it ;0)

I finally got around to watching The Last Kiss over the weekend. I absolutely love Garden State. It's one of my all time favourite films. When I first saw the trailer for The Last Kiss I was really eager to see it thinking it was going to be a Zach Braff masterpiece. I'd heard some bad reviews but thought I'd give it the benefit of the doubt and give it a whirl. It was utterly pants. A synopsis: It follows four men approaching middle age and having a few crises i.e. I'm afraid of settling down and commititing to someone, I think I want to carry on shagging beautiful women and avoiding all responsibility and growing up. It focuses on Zach Braff's character who is 3 years into a relationship with a hot lady who he wants to spend the rest of his life with, when she falls pregnant. He craps himself and goes off with a college girl who lives in a world of make believe when it comes to 'love' and all that e.g. while he's trying desperately to get back into his girlfriend's good books the college girl turns up with a gift for him - a mix CD (awwww *eyes roll*) clearly not realising the magnitiude of the whole predicament. Having said that she is a naiive college girl and he's a 29 year old bloke who *should* know better. At some points I could see where he was coming from and I'm not saying he's not allowed to have 'the fear' but he could deal with it in a more constructive way! The most frustrating bit of the film (in which I lost any ounce of sympathy I did have for him) occured when he kissed the college girl, decided he couldn't go through with the whole shabang, went back to his girlfriedn and confessed. She then chucked him out of their house and what did he do...? Yep that's right, he went back to the college girl's dorm and finished off the deed. KNOB! In the end he realised that he was being pathetic and went about trying to clear up the trail of destruction his insecurities had caused. If he'd just spoken to his partner in the first place...(but then i guess there would be no film, or a very boring one...) Anyway, it's not real, I'm over it now...honest!

I'm going to stop typing now because I really *must* finish my uni application form. It's getting pathetic now. It really won't take that much effort. I'm going to do it now. and stop rambling even though I have much more to ramble about now I've started. But yes. Application. Now!


  • At Tuesday, February 13, 2007, Blogger Mike said…

    Hang on a minute! When did being 29 equate to approaching middle age? Mam and dad are approaching middle age!


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