The ponderings of Miss McT

A collection of my ramblings...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

This week's gripes...

My inability to articulate myself
I'm becoming more and more concerned about my growing inability to articulate myself. Even sitting here now I'm struggling to locate the 'appropriate' words. I feel really dense! One of my Sociology teachers way back in my sixth form days said I had a 'way with words' and that my essay style was 'mature beyond my years'. Now I struggle to string a sentence together without thinking a 7 year old could do better. What has happened?! Sometime I listen to the drivel that falls out of my mouth and I cringe! Maybe my brain has stagnated...

The latest Seven Seas Advert
OMG, have you seen it? A giant cod 'swimming' along the streets and tapping people. It's gross! No idea about the roots of this fish fear of mine. It has no logical basis. It's not like I've had a particularly nasty experience with a fish. I don't usually mind them if I'm just looking at them and there's a barrier between us, it's more the thought of them touching me in any way that freaks me out. Think the advert is an issue because the fish follows people and prods them *eugh* Thankfully I don't think there's much chance of a giant cod swimming along beside me on my walk to work and prodding me. Phew.

Have Your Say
I've been a regular reader of BBC news online since my uni days (procrastination nation!) but I'd never read any of the 'Have Your Say' section until the last couple of weeks. It is quite frightening reading. I would imagine the BBC would pull in a pretty wide ranging readership and though people who respond on these kinds of things are likely to share certain characteristics, I would think that those commenting on the BBC website are a fairly representative group. I think a lot of people make it their lunch break reading. Anyway the three topic areas I read about over the last couple of weeks were pretty diverse: the case of Ashley X, the organic debate and the new gay rights laws. Some of the comments (even on the much less emotive organic vegetables debate) were shocking. I can't quite comprehend the extreme views of some people in this day in age. I appreciate that everyone is entitled to their own opinion yada yada yada BUT it's 2007 and some people really need to get with the times.

Life, the future and everything!
Yeah this is a bit of a biggy but pretty much encapsulates my concern! How on earth are you supposed to make a decision about what you want to do with your life? How do you know if it's the right decision? How do you make a decision?!! See I've never been good at making decisions - they scare me. I don't like the unknown. Pathetic I know. I know life would be boring if we knew what was going to happen and I wouldn't want it to be like that. I quite like a bit of spontaneity in some aspects of life. Don't be so surprised! I'd just like a bit of direction and enough courage to go with something and see where it takes me. I really admire people who just go with their instincts and enjoy the ride. Me...I ask everybody else what I should do...I'm not sure that's quite the idea...


  • At Friday, January 12, 2007, Blogger Chris said…

    Yeah, giant friendly flying can they think of showing something like that before the watershed? ;op


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