The ponderings of Miss McT

A collection of my ramblings...

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Wide awake at bedtime...

I've spent the first week of 2007 in a somewhat dazed state...part of my brain is definitely 'offline' at the moment. I'm not sure how it's happened - maybe it's because I was so ready for last term to end, that once it did I just shut off and haven't managed to switch myself back on again yet.

I'm really lethargic all day then I suddenly wake up at bedtime and I'm buzzing! On Thursday night I lay there for 4 hours trying to nod off but it just wasn't happening. I used to get really agitated when I couldn't sleep (it happened a lot at uni) but that just makes it worse. I read somewhere that even if you can't sleep you should try to 'enjoy' just being in bed, lying down relaxing (not doing anything ok!), rather than getting yourself worked up about it.

After 4 hours I gave up with that strategy! When I finally did get to sleep I had a really freaky, vivid dream. My neighbour drove down the street and crashed into a van. There were three students inside, two of them flew through the windscreen and were all contorted on the ground. My neighbour was wetting himself because he was in such a panic. My mum had to be dragged back by my dad because she was having a panic attack. It was all very traumatic and thankfully just a dream. But where the f**k did that come from?! The scary thing is that that came from my head! Weird huh?!

One of my other freaky dreams this week involved me being forced into the rapids in the river and held down while all the fish 'sucked' on me. I have a fear of fish, in particular of fish 'touching' me in any way. So that was very disturbing *shudder*

Right I'm going to go and attempt so sleep because sitting in front of a computer screen definitely doesn't faciliate sleep!


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