The ponderings of Miss McT

A collection of my ramblings...

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Fruit and nut...?

So here I am still sorting my room out 6 months after I began a proper attempt at getting it organised. I have alot of stuff (as everyone keeps reminding me). All very important stuff in my mind, but quite difficult to know where to put what as most of it is fairly random 'stuff' AND me being a perfectionist, when I do something I want it to be done properly. (No that 's not just an excuse!)

Well today my mum went in my room and moved all the furniture around and hoyed anything that got in her way on the floor. I'm 22!!! (I don't think that gripe requires any further clarification!) I gave in though and I am making an attempt to make some progress - get all my pictures hung etc. It's just taken me ages to reaarange all my electrical stuff so I can reach plug sockets. Blah blah blah...

Being as I'm just tidying, I'm still in my pyjama bottoms and scruffy t-shirt, and my hair is piled on top of my head and fastened up with huge clips. Granted I look like a bit of a tramp but I'm comfy! Anyway I just went downstairs and my mum remarked "look at the state of you". "What's that supposed to mean?" I retorted. My parents then informed me that I'm eccentric.

Eccentric...hmmmm, I would say I am to a degree. I can cope with being labelled eccentric, though I don't think I deviate that far from your typical 22 year old really. Yep I can deal with eccentric. However my Dad then decided to continue with "y'know a bit of a fruit and nut". Now there's a bit of a difference between eccentric and crazy, right? Cheers Dad!

Photos on Ringo!


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