The ponderings of Miss McT

A collection of my ramblings...

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Red pen at the ready...

Well I've started my marking - 2 down, 298 to go! I will be thoroughly familiar with the behaviourist model of abnormality by the time I'm through. I'm having issues. Don't want to be too harsh or too soft. I mean, 1 point can mean the difference between 2 grades. My plan - to mark a few and get someone to check over them to make sure I'm on the right track. I don't want to shatter anyone's confidence! Then I will feel reassurd that I'm doing it right and everyone will be happy. Yes. I think that is the way forward. And once the hard work is done I shall have a shiny new hi-fi, yay :0)

I'm having the most random couple of weeks at work. Lots of weird stuff is happening and it's all rather intense. My admin has fallen to the wayside but it'll get done. Stayed back for a bit last night to do some catching up (see how dedicated I am). I really don't get paid enough for this job but I do love it (mostly) so I can't really complain. I do but I shouldn't really. Today I 'had' (long story) to go along to Junk Band (very cool) but they made me join in (not cool). I have no musical talent whatsoever and wanted the ground to open up and swallow me! I'm going red now just thinking about it. CRINGE!

I was going to have a ramble about 2 really interesting programmes I've watched this week (one about selective IVF and one about facial reconstruction of disfigured children in developing countries) but then I've remembered I'm meant to be doing my marking. I only came online to check I remembered the Pavlov's dogs study accurately. And I do. Well done me. Anyway maybe I'll have a ramble about IVF and facial reconstruction another day. I probably will. Bet you can't wait.

Oooh riveting stuff hey ;0P


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