The ponderings of Miss McT

A collection of my ramblings...

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Doom and gloom...

So it continues. All we ever seem to hear about is bad stuff - death, disease, social unrest, war, global warming, natural disasters, the impending collapse of everything as we know it...the list goes on...and on...and on...! I'm usually a fairly happy-go-lucky person but even I'm started to feel pretty hopeless about 'the future'. This whole change in weather and the darker days has certainly not helped the general mood. I think we underestimate just how much difference a bit of sunshine makes. Now everything just seems that much more gloomy.

I appreciate there is a hell of a lot of crap going on and we can't bury our heads in the sand and ignore it. I'm not saying we should. Quite the contrary, we need to take some bloody responsibility and *actually do something*. But where is the incentive to do anything if all we hear is shrouded in pessimism and total hopelessness?! I'm not saying we should play down the bad things, I'm just saying we should even the balance and talk about more of the good stuff that goes unnoticed. Look at the bigger picture. All this talk of doom does is make people just question "What's the point?". Why don't we ever hear about the good stuff?

I've had a pretty pants week really and was feeling in need of something to restore my faith in humanity. As melodramatic as that sounds, it's the truth! I wanted something to show me that people do care. So I sat down and watched The Pride of Britain awards. There were some really inspiring, amazing people on that show who've done some downright amazing things, often for complete strangers. It was really moving. Why don't we see more of this stuff? ONE annual awards ceremony, that's it. The rest of the year all we hear about is people treating other people badly. Where's the incentive to do something about it?! Where's the incentive to help out our fellow man?! Where's the incentive to clean up our act?! If we can see that *we can* make a positive difference then maybe more of us will take that extra step.

I know it's within us...I just hope more of us find it, and do it, soon.


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