The ponderings of Miss McT

A collection of my ramblings...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's the weekend again already...

Well it's been a bizarre week to say the least. There has been some high drama but it's been interspersed with some finer moments. I've surprised myself with how I've responded to testing times and it's given me a bit of a boost. I'm not such a fairy afterall!

I've been rushed off my feet at work and it's been pretty stressful but I've had a good week with my students. I've felt like I've been getting somewhere with them and making progress :0) Having a tutor group has been a major challenge because I've got a totally random group who I don't teach and who don't have classes together. I really want to be a good tutor but admin (grrr!) gets in the way of you really getting to know your students. I'm finally making headway with that and with helping them to get to know each other some more. This week I split them into two random groups and asked each group to make a shoebox for the Romania Christmas appeal. I provided the wrapped shoeboxes and christmas cards but it was up to them to fill the boxes. At first they weren't very responsive and I thought the idea had gone down like a lead balloon! But they really impressed me - I had to wrap another shoebox because we had more than enough stuff. So they got to know each other a bit better and did something really nice that'll brighten up someone's Christmas. Yay!

I can't believe how fast time is passing at the moment. It's actually scary. When I was at uni time flew by and I thought it'd slow down in the 'real world' outside of the Trevs bubble, but nope it got faster. All this talk of Christmas when it feels like it's only just been summer!

I've got loads to do at the moment but I'm in full on procrastination mode. I *should* be writing up my assignment (due Monday!) and catching up on journals for my counselling course but instead I'm sat here rambling on my blog and uploading photos...and then I'm off to town for coffee and cake (important!) and to get stuff for my Romania shoebox and maybe even do a bit of Christmas shopping.

Sod it, it's the weekend, I've worked bloody hard all week, I think I deserve the break, the work can wait til tomorrow...she says unconvincingly!

I'm not listening to any music right this minute but if I was (!) I'd probably be listening to Vernon Kay's radio show. I will be very shortly.


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