The ponderings of Miss McT

A collection of my ramblings...

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Half-term tragedy

The deaths of Christianne and Robert Shepard have dominated the news this weekend and I'm sure the story has struck a cord with many viewers and readers. It really is heartbreaking. Those two little children should have been going back to school tomorrow and telling all their classmates about their fun-filled half-term holiday. Instead their classmates will be coming to terms with the fact that their friends won't be coming back to join them in the playground. The thing that's really getting to me now is that the entire country, in fact probably half of Europe, has known for 2 days that these two little children have lost their lives yet their Dad is lying in a hospital bed unaware that his beautiful children are gone. I realise this is because he is no condition to be told, but it just seems so very wrong that we all know and he doesn't. Millions of people know and he doesn't. It actually makes me feel sickly. Something had gone very gone in that bungalow in Corfu, something avoidable and whoever is at fault is going to have to live with these tragic consequences for the rest of their lives, knowing that Christianne and Robert should have been running around the playground tomorrow with their friends, laughing and having fun.


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